Night watchman in old historic town

by Matthias Hauser
Night watchman in old historic town
Matthias Hauser
Photograph - Photograph
Walter Rebmann, night watchman in Waldenbuch, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany. Image is model released.
January 28th, 2012
Similar Subjects
Comments (14)

Matthias Hauser
Many thanks to Eti Reid for featuring the image of the german night watchman in her group Visions of night!

Matthias Hauser
Many thanks to Kami McKeon for featuring the picture of the night watchman in the lovely little town Waldenbuch in her group Self Taught Artists!

Julia Wilcox
Great photo! What does your "model release" form look like?
Matthias Hauser replied:
Thank you very much Julia! Model Release: something like this: http://www.arcurs.com/what-is-a-model-release

Gary Whitton
Very nice shot, you should send this fellow a picture if you haven't already. ;o)
Matthias Hauser replied:
Thank you Gary! I gave him prints of this and other pictures as he signed me the model release... ;-)

Danuta Bennett
Great capture Matthias, it makes me want to go back to costume era;-)
Matthias Hauser replied:
Thank you very much Danuta. Yes, the costume and the accessories are great... ;-)

Alisha Luby
Oh nice! I would love to go to Germany. I have family that lives there and would love to meet them all oneday. My bother who is in the Army lives in Germany now. He loves it there.
Matthias Hauser replied:
Yes, Germany is worth a visit or two... :-) Feel free to stop by in Waldenbuch if you go to Germany one day... ;-)

Alisha Luby
Where did you take this at? This is really nice! v/f
Matthias Hauser replied:
Thank you very much Alisha! I captured this one in Waldenbuch, Germany. Walter Rebmann is a night watchman who does guided tours once in a while.

Matthias Hauser
Now THAT was fast... ;-) Thank you! Wendy, in german language it is called Hellebarde, i think it is a halberd in english. Nice one, huh? ;-) Michelle, outside the frame of the picture (in the upper left corner) there was a little lamp which gave just enough light. I don't use the flash because it would have destroyed the atmosphere...